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Struvite Remover and Industrial Descaler Soaks & Recirculations

STSR Recirculation Application

Our Struvite and Scale Remover STSR has been used in many recirculations as it is the most effective application as opposed to soaks, low-pressure sprays, and foaming. With recirculation, STSR is able to have constant contact with the scale buildup,  agitation, as well as providing the opportunity to capture the solids broken down from the removal process, enabling the product to be more efficient and focus on the buildup as opposed to strictly dissolving.

From our tests, recirculation can be up to 5x faster depending upon the speed of the solution, and the ability to capture solids. 

Recirculations can be set up with the lines provided, additional line or hose, pumping the product back and forth between the ends of the line, spray and catch system in belt filter press, doing a soak in a mixing tank to keep the solution in motion, or even in equipment such as the belt filter press and using the spray nozzles to cycle through the equipment.

STSR Standstill Soak Application

If recirculation is not possible, a standstill soak may be the next best option due to the contact time.  Soaks with STSR are great for struvite or scale filled pipelines, or other parts that are able to be soaked in tanks, drums or other containers. These parts can include pumps, valves, rollers, screens and any other equipment with scale buildup.

STSR can be reused for soaking applications up until its spent pH which our lab can test for, and with samples test for yourself, proving to be a cost-effective method for ridding of scale buildup.

Struvite Remover STSR: 

  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Non-Corrosive to Steel and Unbroken Skin
  • Safe to Handle
  • Easy to use, with many applications, including foaming and low-pressure spray, soaks and recirculations
  • Can be used for Removal, as well as Prevention through dosing
  • Cost-Effective, saving you time, money and leaving your operation free of Struvite

Product is available in:

  • 15, 30 and 55-gallon drums
  • 275 or 330 gallon totes
  • 5-gallon containers and other sizes please contact us

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Struvite Sample Testing Example